Flying Saucers
Painting Pottery Café
9 Byron Place
Bristol, BS8 1JT
0117 927 3666

Answers to FAQs

How do I book? 

To book a table for a 2 hour painting session, please email us at: Please let us know within the email if you require a ground floor table for accessibilty needs or if you are planning on doing baby prints. Please visit our instagram page @flyingsaucersbristol and check out our FAQ's for more info or visit Thank you! 😃

Please include contact phone number and preferred time / date with your enquiry so we can confirm availability.


Prices & Pottery Collections

The studio fees are £6 per adult painting and £5 for children. This covers your session time / paints / glazing / firing / use of equipment. Pottery is individually priced, from £9 upwards. Most items range from £12 - £20 with large household items going up to c. £40.

Pottery is generally available for collection 7 days later once fired (10 days for group party bookings). 



We are a cashless venue. CARD ONLY. 


Adult Party Groups

We allocate the table for up to 2 hours for adult groups seated in part of our Upper Studio. You may each pay individually on the day or have one group bill* if you prefer to spend more of your session painting and celebrating!! (*recommended if more than 16 people) Studio fees are taken as an advance payment to hold the table.

(If you prefer to book the kids Party Table (see below) sessions are up to 90 mins - please note that a pottery selection will be required in advance and one single group bill for pottery & cafe items is payable on the day)


Party Table

Children's themed packages are run at a table in our vibrant party area! At weekends we offer 90 minute slots at set times. Full details are available on our parties page


Postage & Packing

If you are unable to collect pottery yourself or send a friend on your behalf, then you can arrange for pottery to be sent out to you after firing. Prices start from £10 for a UK address. Overall turnaround is around 3 - 4 weeks from painting.